Sunday, 18 May 2008

Signs of Improvement

One of the sensations I had previously was that my buttock muscles were always in a cramp, so that when I stood up after sitting down - the pain was like a knife had been stuck into it. With the stretching exercises that the physio had instructed me on - this sensation was starting to go away. I still had the more chronic nagging sensation in my leg/hamstring area.. but I was at least able to walk around the office more normally and not do this ridiculous routine of standing still for 30 seconds or so after getting out of a chair. I was starting to be able to get out of a car with either foot, I was infact driving still for upto 2 hours and getting out with major pain.

This is starting to work - but doing stretching each day takes a new attitude to how you think about things. Now I am starting to find ways to stretch each time I am either sitting or standing.

Sitting in a chair, is easy to get in a slouch position. So try to sit up with a straighter back - with knees together. Then after a period switch positions, try with a knee over the other one. Constantly adjusting and preventing being stuck in one bad position for a period of time.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you are making some progress, that's fantastic. I think I have the same condition as you, though not as extreme. I'm going to make an appointment with a physiotherapist after reading about your experience. I'm going through the process of registering with a GP just so I can get this seen to, but not holding out much hope, sounds like I'll be better off just going straight to physio.

I was also considering doing some Alexander Technique lessons, seems like it would be addressing the same issue of favouring one side, and poor posture in general.

choco said...

Hi Gregor, thank you for your comment. I have to say that all the GP could do is tell me what it wasn't. Which in some respects is progress I suppose.

However with the help of an insightful physio I have gone from walking painfully with a limp - to now being able to jog/run for 30minutes. I think today was one of the first days where I had periods of no pain. This has all come from following a stretching/exercise plan. It can be tough and painful and slow progress at first, but now really glad I tried it. Best of luck.