Saturday, 28 June 2008

MRI Scan of Lower Back

approx 8 months have passed since my GP first diagnosed Sciatica. After a lot of searching, my personal diagnosis was piriformis syndrome and with some effective physio the pain has significantly diminished. Nobody in the medical teams I have spoken to have talked about piriformis. So today I went for my MRI scan, and I hoped to get a more definiative answer.

The MRI unit was a mobile one, installed into a lorry trailer.

The staff were very nice and friendly, and explained what would happen during the scan. I thought it would be similar to an X-Ray - but it was totally different to how I had imagined. I needed 3 scans and each took 3-4minutes. So in total I was in this tube for more than 10minutes. It is pretty claustrophobic in the tube and the noise is intense, despite using headphones. It's like a noise from doctor Who.

Unfortunately, no results today. Apparently the scans might be sent to South Africa?.. so maybe within a few weeks I can expect the result.

Friday, 27 June 2008

MRI Scan Booked and 24hrs in a Plane

Just got back from a trip to New Zealand and Australia. Some of the travelling was simply enourmous - I don't want to count the hrs spent in airports and on the planes. On the way back, we were stuck an additional 7 hrs as bad weather prevented a re-fueling stop in Hong Kong and we ended up in Manila. So, how did the back manage? Remarkably well. I have to be honest there was the occasional twinge and bit of stiffness - but nothing really bad. I tried to do a bit of stretching whenever I was stuck in an airport terminal waiting area before boarding.

So the treatment of stretching seems to be holding even in adverse conditions. The only disappointing thing is that I have not done any serious exercise now for almost 3 weeks.

I did read a very interesting book about maths and medical diagnosis - which I will post about in a day or two.

Whilst I was away, Alliance Medical called. I had to call them back as they would only speak to me. I now have the MRI booked for tomorrow at a portal MRI unit.

Lets see what further information this brings.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Visit to the Hospital

My GP had recommended that I see the Hospital doctor - but I had heard nothing until just a few days ago. Apparently there is a rule that the Hospital has to see you within 12weeks? and just by coincidence..the 12 weeks was coming up and I get a few days notice to visit the hospital.

However, it's an evening clinic which is a massive help. With all of the improvement I wondered if I should go - however still wanted to find out what the problem is - even if the symptoms had improved.

So day I had the appointment with the consultant. Usual routine, go through the history - short examination. No more or less than was done by the GP.

Ended with his comment that he thought it was a disc issue??? and maybe a trapped nerve??? well actually don't know what it is.. so best is to have an MRI scan.

However MRI scan has a 6 week waiting list. So now we have gone through the system, GP to hospital 12 weeks.. 6 weeks for MRI and it's 18weeks.. now lucky for me the physio has helped to massively reduce the symptoms and get me back on my feet again.

I am now really intrigued what this MRI is and what it can show.

Strangely the consultant never mentioned that the cause could be a possible muscle problem or piriformis syndrome.. I just wonder if it is totally discounted by a lot of the older medics.

Anyway, I will continue with the advice from the physio as this seems to have worked the best so far.